Ride Overland With Kanchan & Nick

  • Ethiopia: It’s time to get out of Africa!January 27, 2013 04:57:55

  • Kenya Part 2: Return to the land of Kalasinghas and what next?January 10, 2013 03:20:39

  • Uganda: A lush, green paradise!December 26, 2012 02:45:22

Monthly Archives: July 2012

July 20, 2012

East Timor: Timor/ East Timor and shipping to Australia

It was still dark when the ferry reached Kupang 15 hours from when we started.  It was around 4am!  We tried to find some place to stay but since check out time was around 12pm, it was kinda tough to find a place.  We decided to wait a bit and have a think over coffee.  […]

July 15, 2012

Indonesia-East Timor: Flores/Kupang/East Timor

Flores is probably the best place to go visit the Komodos orRincaIsland.  We checked out quite a few of the places that booked tours and found one that seemed willing to negotiate the price a bit better.  We were told that during the time we went (June/July) it was better to go to Rinca.  I […]

July 4, 2012

Indonesia : Lombok/Gili T./Flores

Before we could head out ofBali, we had two very big decisions to make.  Should we change our tires?  We were running on the same TKC we had put on in Kolkata but we had to change our rear TKC to a Karoo in Malaysia since it had run down and we knew we might […]