Ride Overland With Kanchan & Nick

  • Ethiopia: It’s time to get out of Africa!January 27, 2013 04:57:55

  • Kenya Part 2: Return to the land of Kalasinghas and what next?January 10, 2013 03:20:39

  • Uganda: A lush, green paradise!December 26, 2012 02:45:22

May 5, 2011

Never a dull moment…

Soo… Nick and my youngest cousin Gurjyot went on a little excursion to Sam Houston National Park while I was at work one Saturday, I came home to an ailing Nick.  He had put his hand down to break a fall, but 2 months later we find out he had not only broken his fall but broken his scaphoid bone.  This scaphoid bone is one of the least likeliest bones to heal due to a poor blood supply around the area.

My heart goes out to my hubz because this poor guy has gone through so many injuries and surgeries (mostly due to his knee because of his old soccer injuries).   Niku man…he be scrappy.  But I love my Scrappy!

We went to the doctor that was referred to us by his knee surgeon.  Things were not looking good and to confirm that, the MRI of the wrist showed the fracture.  The doctor told us to our dismay that we would have to get a surgery done.  Even with the surgery it’s not a sure thing that the bone will heal.  We were planning to leave later on this month but now we are truly off track.

We were thinking of starting out in Northern Europe but with the time line the doctor has given, things do not look good.  I’ve been knee-deep in visa research and Nick had been getting ready to order bike parts, GPS, live tracker, cameras etc etc, so this is definitely a bit of an emotional and mental road bump for us but…

Our main priority is to get Nick’s wrist right, all things come a far second…third…fourth…!  We need to make sure Scrappy is ready to ride!  Nick keeps on apologizing for holding off the world tour, but you know what.  We’re in it together and we have to keep the dream going!  Therefore, the trip is not off, just a little postponed…

But there is an upside, a few more months of work means a few more dollars we can save and more we money we have for the trip!

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